Mobile Charge Capture applications such as DocCharge revolutionize the process by which patient and procedural information is collected during a practice’s revenue and billing cycle.

DocCharge: Comparing a New and Improved Physician Productivity Platform

Mobile Charge Capture

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Physician productivity platforms are a conglomerate of tech based services that ideally maximize practice revenue and increase physician efficacy and time whilst being highly secure, HIPAA compliant, and adhering to standards set by security organizations.
Some Health IT companies, such as PatientKeeper and Ingenious Med offer a breakdown of analytics in your individual practice. Such platforms, however, are far too costly for their narrow suite of provided application, operating primarily on the analysis of existing patterns and trends.


Mobile Charge Capture applications such as DocCharge revolutionize the process by which patient and procedural information is collected during a practice’s revenue and billing cycle. MCC apps provide a return on investment by reducing lost charges and increasing the accuracy in coding ($25,000 lost annually in lost charges, and $36,000 lost in undercoding). By expediting the billing process and decreasing administrative and office costs, successful mobile charge applications can improve your practice’s efficacy, while maintaining the workflow of the physician.


The average flow of this process entails following your patient list, capturing and inputting relevant data, coding the case or consult then and there in real time. Patient handoffs to colleagues are also easy, simple, and integrated intuitively within the charge capture platform.


By transferring charges immediately to the billing department in real time, the billing process is expedited. There is no loss of revenue due to late billing or time filing problems as backlogs are prevented from building up.

Administrative costs decrease due to increased efficacy by billers with consistent delivery of charges for codes that are already properly clarified (see CodeMed feature) and in accordance with HIPAA compliance. At the end of the day, effective and physician tailored charge capture platforms like DocCharge will allow you to save time and increase revenue.

But only if you take that first step in trying it out for yourself.

About DocCharge

DocCharge: Be productive again! Practice analytics, mobile charge capture, HIPAA compliant messaging, and tools for billers.
DocCharge is a mobile physician productivity platform enabling physicians and clinicians to save time by efficiently capture patient billings, communicate with back office and maximize revenue by avoiding lost charges using real-time analytics on a mobile device. Designed by a physician for fellow physicians, residents/fellows, and mid-level providers, DocCharge maximizes one’s productivity. Practice Administrators and outsourced billing companies find the application very intuitive, thus improving practice efficiency and revenue.
DocCharge is transforming healthcare data into useful and actionable insights, thereby allowing partner subscribers to focus their resources on the core business of providing high quality patient care. For more information, visit, email:

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